
Many Women Face Fertility Problems After Using Mirena IUD

fertility problems

Women often worry about future fertility problems after using an intrauterine device (IUD). While women choose contraceptives to prevent pregnancy, many still wish to have children someday. These women worry an IUD may impact their overall fertility.

IUD Use Linked to Fertility Problems After Device Removal

According to Fox News, research shows IUDs like Mirena may remain effective longer than expected. While this may benefit some, most doctors recommend limiting IUD use for a reason. Although long-term Mirena use doesn’t make women infertile, many complications and side effects can eventually lead to infertility. For most women, Mirena embedment, perforation of internal organs and other complications are traumatic. If these complications cause fertility problems or prevent women from carrying a child, it can be emotionally traumatizing. According to the Population Research Institute, many women may not realize that “fertility delayed is fertility denied.” In fact, some countries use IUDs as an alternative to sterilization. Patients suffer greatly after realizing the birth control method they used in the short-term has long-term consequences. As a result, many infertile women seek compensation for Mirena injuries and suffering.

Conflicting Statistics on Mirena IUD Fertility Problems

Yet numerous studies insist Mirena IUD doesn’t cause infertility problems. According to Mirena, approximately 80% of women get pregnant within a year after IUD removal. In fact, that number jumps to 87% after two years. The contraceptive effect is “immediately reversed” once the IUD comes out. MedScape IUD research shows device removal immediately causes many women’s fertility to return. However, this research concentrated on IUD safety, including Mirena. Mirena’s manufacturer admits pregnancy can occur with the device still in. Many involve ectopic pregnancies that occur in the woman’s fallopian tubes, not the uterus. If an ectopic pregnancy happens with Mirena IUD, women may face permanent fertility problems.

How Mirena’s Hormone Component Works

According to researchers, Mirena is different from other IUDs because it releases hormones to prevent pregnancy. For this reason, Mirena carries increased risk for fertility problems down the road. Mirena contains a synthetic hormone called levonorgestrel that prevents ovulation. However, this hormone doesn’t always work. The institute says ovulation can still occur in certain months. Additionally, Mirena can cause early-term abortions, which carry additional risks.

Mirena migration and perforation complications can eventually cause infertility. Scarring and infection are just two issues reported with defective Mirena devices. Online forums debate whether Mirena causes infertility, with many women sharing stories about their quest to have children.

What You Can Do

If you suffered infertility or other Mirena complications, you may be eligible for financial compensation. Fill out your free Mirena claim review today to speak with an experienced attorney about your case.

Related: UK Teens Told to Use IUDs, Despite Intrauterine Device Complications

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