
Punitive Damages Awarded for Transvaginal Mesh Victims

Transvaginal mesh victims

Transvaginal mesh injuries merit more than compensation for lost wages and medical expenses. Here's what judges are awarding victims.

Hundreds of thousands of women had transvaginal mesh surgeries for pelvic organ prolapse (POP) or stress urinary incontinence (SUI). Unfortunately, many transvaginal mesh victims face disappointment as well as dangerous complications. Transvaginal mesh victims who experienced extreme pain after a failed surgery are not alone. From 2008-2010, thousands of women contacted the FDA, reporting mesh erosion through the vagina following the failed surgery. As a result, the FDA issued a statement, reclassifying vaginal mesh as a high-risk device.

Thousands of Transvaginal Mesh Victims Sue Device Manufacturers

Thousands of transvaginal mesh lawsuits are now underway against device manufacturers. Plaintiffs allege that mesh manufacturers did not ensure the safety and effectiveness of their products. They also claim manufacturers provided false and misleading information about their products. In fact, some accuse TVM manufacturers of concealing permanent damage and debilitating injuries from pelvic mesh. Juries are awarding punitive damages, which encourages others seeking justice for their pain and suffering.

Transvaginal Mesh Victims Win Compensation for Injuries

Punitive damages awarded include:

Transvaginal Mesh Victims Also Awarded Compensatory Damages

While many transvaginal mesh victims receive punitive damages, other verdicts are compensatory. Punitive damages punish wrongdoing, while compensatory damages cover the plaintiff’s injuries. This typically includes medical treatment and mesh victims’ lost wages.

How Transvaginal Mesh Victims Can Get Justice and Compensation

If you had a failed transvaginal mesh surgery, we can connect you with an attorney who understands what you are going through. Experienced attorneys can help get you the justice you deserve for your injuries.

Get your free transvaginal mesh claim review today. Then, an advocate will contact you to discuss your case and see if you may qualify for financial compensation.

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